Nucleósidos carbocíclicos (Precursores)

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Barragán, E.; Gordillo, B.; Vargas, G.; Cortez M. T. ;Jaramillo, B. E. ; Villa-Treviño, S.; Fattel-Fazenda, S. ; Ortega, J. ;Velazco, L .DNA replication inhibition and fluorescence microscopy of non-cationic porphyrins in malignant cells. Arkivoc VI, 436-448 (2005).
  2. Barragán, E.; Gordillo, B.; Vargas, G.; Velazco, L. The Role of Cobalt, copper, nickel, and Zinc in the DNA Replication Inhibitory Activity of p-aminophenyl triphenylporphyrin. Applied Organometallic Chemistry,18, 311-317 (2004).
  3. Vargas, G.; Escalona, I. S.; Salas, M.; Sierra, A.; Gordillo, B. Synthesis and RT Inhibitory Activity Evaluation of New Pyrimidine-Based Seco-Nucleosides. Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids 25, 243-257 (2006).

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